Michael Kleinbriel
Game Developer | Animator | Programmer

Vault Raider

Final Game Project for MI 231

Controls are listed on the main menu of the game. All assets were made by me. This was a solo project.

Vault Raider is the fps roguelike bullethell that I made for my final game project in MI 231. I had a great time developing this game and I learned a lot making it. My biggest accomplishment for this game is making the item system. The player can collect 5 unique items which augment all of their abilities and stats and these items all increase in power with the more stacks the player has of them. These items are abstract classes that have functions which are called via an event system tied to the player's actions. For example, the Good Vibes item spawns in a healing aura whenever the player jumps. When the player jumps, I send a PlayerJump() event to all of the items and they react accordingly. Every item has at least one or two events tied to them, like PlayerShot() and PlayerDamaged(), and the items do different things. I'm really proud of this system and I want to use this again in future projects!